
管理家族财富是一项非常重要的责任,既耗时又需要财务专业知识. 随着时代和生活的变化, 这个责任占用了你的时间和精力,使你不能再去做其他的生意或个人冒险了.

Trust LBMC Family Office to absorb the management of your day to day responsibilities. We have been taking care of some of 纳什维尔’s most prominent families for 30 years. Let us take care of you and your family in the same way.

LBMC Family Office works closely with your family to understand your special situation, 关注点和目标.


Have you considered Family Office services?

You don’t have to be a Rockefeller to enjoy the benefits of a family office. 而传统上, 只有净资产达到或超过1亿美元的家族才会设立家族办公室来控制和维护家族财富, the practice has expanded to encompass a broader clientele.

今天的公司提供多家庭办公室服务,帮助家庭提供从账单支付到全面礼宾服务的服务. You pay for as little or as much attention as your family needs.

公司服务于多个家庭, so the cost of maintaining a staff is spread among multiple families, making services accessible to a larger base. 无论你是在处理几代人的财富还是在创造财富的过程中, these services can be beneficial to you.


At the entry level, a family office can help with bill pay. 你每个月的账单都可以直接寄到公司,在那里处理邮件,账单的支付几乎不需要你的参与. You’re always aware of what’s being paid, but you aren’t dealing with the paper, filing or organization of the information on a day-to-day basis.

The firm maintains copies of bills, reconciles bank accounts and delivers reports to you. 这项服务很受企业家和高管的欢迎,他们的宝贵时间更有成效地用于增加财富,而不是日常的财务维护.

账单支付对拥有多套住房或投资物业的个人也很有帮助,他们希望将费用分开管理和规划. We’re in a time where many early retirees are taking care of their parents. A bill pay service might be invaluable for freeing up time and providing peace of mind.


A step up from bill pay is a package including personal financial statements. The firm creates a balance sheet from assets you own and updates it regularly. 投资活动已入账. Detail of credit card activity and tax-related expenses are tracked. 收入报表每月生成,以帮助您监控您的投资表现和跟踪您的支出-有可能最大化您全年的税收节省. Since CPA firms are some of the leading providers of family office services, your family office is already working closely with your tax preparers. They will already have access to your current financial reports, simplifying your year-end tax preparation.


Several value-added services are also available. 一个家庭办公室团队可以确保你的家庭雇员得到报酬,并按时提交工资税申报表. 他们可以制定预算,这样你就可以预测未来的开支,并确保在需要的时候有现金可用. They can also coordinate direct transfers from your investment accounts as cash is needed.

One popular service is the annual review of insurance policies, 包括家庭, 汽车和贵重物品, as well as umbrella policies and other special coverage. The family office can verify that policies are up to date, that coverage is adequate and that you’re not open to liability. 他们还可以保持一个时间表,并注意续签,这样就不会有付款漏了缝,保险范围也不会失效. This service offers peace of mind so that you can focus your energy elsewhere.


The possibilities expand from there. How liberating would it be to have a go-to person for personal financial assistance? Do you need mortgage or personal loan information in order to purchase new assets? Simply contact your account manager. 您需要支票的复印件吗? How about a history of how much you’ve paid to a certain vendor during the year? Maybe you received a tax notice from the IRS. In the time it takes to make a phone call or type an email, 您的请求将由客户经理回答,他已经知道您的财务历史,可以迅速作出反应.


While these services are obviously beneficial for busy executives and entrepreneurs, families of means can also benefit.

你的家族理财室可以帮助制定财富转移政策,并帮助制定和实施给继承人的分配计划, 以及每年的礼物. Trended reports from year to year will show who has and will receive distributions, so heirs can plan for tax issues as well as philanthropic and investment opportunities.

第二代或第三代继承人可能需要帮助管理他们继承的财富,并为子孙后代发展财富. A family office can serve as a hub with spokes reaching into the areas of taxes, 家庭法和遗产规划. They can recommend trusted providers in investment management, 并教育家庭如何通过税收和遗产规划或建立信托来维持财富. 他们甚至可以帮助创建一个家庭基金会,为对家庭重要的问题提供慈善捐赠的持续遗产.


Another generational issue is caring for aging parents. 家庭办公室可以帮助孩子们处理日常事务,监督父母的财务状况, including ensuring that medical and household bills are paid. 这对那些可能不住在父母附近的人或分担照顾责任的兄弟姐妹来说是一种安慰. 在家族之外有一个了解家族的客户经理,以同样的方式向每一个相关方报告, offers transparency to help maintain family harmony.


拥有多套住房或投资房产的业主也可以从家族办公室的组织和财务管理中受益. 财务记录保存可以保持在一个会计软件和报告可以生成的财产. These reports can identify which properties are performing well and which need attention.

家族理财室可能是你需要的一项服务,但要么不知道它的存在,要么认为它不适合你. 他们提供专业和个性化的专业服务,帮助您的家庭保存财富并为下一代做好准备, ensuring your legacy continues for generations to come.


There are many benefits to outsourcing to us:

  • 由于明升体育app下载明升体育app下载提供广泛的服务,我们具有与其他部门进行内部协调以使流程无缝化的优势.
  • 没有内部员工,就不用担心员工流失、休假或培训新员工.
  • 将来自许多提供商的多个服务合并为一个服务可能会节省成本. 通过外包给LBMC家族办公室的知识和专业技能水平超过了内部家族办公室的能力.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • 会计 & 报告
  • 房地产、礼品 & 信托计划
  • 慈善服务
  • 税收筹划 & 合规
  • 投资咨询服务
  • 为支付账单 & 预算
  • Asset Protection Insurance 服务